All Episodes

Displaying 61 - 64 of 64 in total

Grace Chan on Energy Tech Startups

Grace Chan is a venture principal for New Markets at BP ventures. Grace focuses on venturing discovery and deal delivery in support of cleantech market entry offers in...

Trevor Best on Energy Tech Startups

Trevor Best is a serial entrepreneur who is building the next big thing in chemical refining. His company, Syzygy Plasmonics is building a new type of chemical reactor...

Eric Rubenstein on Energy Tech Startups

Eric Rubenstein is Managing Partner at New Climate Ventures. New Climate Ventures is an early-stage venture capital firm investing in innovative carbon reduction and a...

Moji Karimi on Energy Tech Startups

Moji Karimi is a self proclaimed carbon negative entrepreneur and old school millennial. As CEO and co-founder of Cemvita, he is bringing nature inspired technology so...