Liquid-Charge on Energy Tech Startups

Liquid-Charge's innovative technology uses emissions-free liquid fuels to extend EV range, eliminating the need for expensive charging infrastructure.

Jared shares his journey from writing a science fiction novel about energy and politics to leading a cutting-edge startup. Tune in to hear about the unique benefits of Liquid-Charge’s fuel cell range extenders, the challenges and opportunities in today’s energy tech landscape, and the future of emissions-free fuels and carbon capture.

0:00 - Intro
0:35 - The book
2:47 - Your parents
3:41 - Why now
6:45 - The creation process
8:19 - How is it like starting a company
9:45 - What is success
13:11 - Liquid Charge
17:24 - Emissions-free liquid fuels
20:08 - Energy conversion efficiency
24:57 - LiquidCharge vs other energy sources
27:50 - How to buy LiquidCharge
32:50 - Your background
35:09 - Fundraising journey
38:03 - High temperature PEM fuel cells
43:46 - Why is Jared having trouble fundraising
45:20 - Mobile carbon capture and sequestration
48:35 - What can the audience do to help

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Liquid-Charge on Energy Tech Startups